We want the audience to be more involved in this production. So we are letting YOU cover our set in graffiti.  What would you write on the back of a toilet door?  Use ArtPad to scribble a message for our toilet door and "Save & Send" the scribble to toiletdoor123@gmail.com ("Friend's Email").  Don't know what to write?  Check back with this blog regularily to see examples of what people write on the back of toilet doors. Don't have a clue how to use ArtPad? Follow our instructional template by clicking here.
The Blog...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Final Show Graffiti


The final show was tonight and we had a really good turn out with people squishing in, but we had less people adding their own graffiti which was strange but still we have the time-lapse video available for you to see below! Overall I was surprised that their weren't more phallic objects depicted on our light desk but it was still fun attempting to shoot and then project a timelapse video within the course of the 40 minute show.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday Night Action

Hey, below is the audience graffiti from Saturday night. And here is a link to a higher quality video of Friday night.

To see the writing more clearly, watch the higher quality version on youtube.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Opening Night Done and Dusted

Hey, It's James.

Opening night was a success, the show ran smoothly and we had a nice audience appreciate all the hard work.  I'll leave others to elaborate further if they wish.  Feel welcome to invite your friends to the last two shows!

As promised, here is a youtube video of the Audience's graffiti:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Found All Around