We want the audience to be more involved in this production. So we are letting YOU cover our set in graffiti.  What would you write on the back of a toilet door?  Use ArtPad to scribble a message for our toilet door and "Save & Send" the scribble to toiletdoor123@gmail.com ("Friend's Email").  Don't know what to write?  Check back with this blog regularily to see examples of what people write on the back of toilet doors. Don't have a clue how to use ArtPad? Follow our instructional template by clicking here.
The Blog...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Development Footage

Hi guys, you can watch footage from the 1st development of this production below, thanks to youtube:

Monday, November 24, 2008

Promo Material

We are working on ways to promote this production around Perth.  Keep an eye out for them and share them with your friends.  You can see one of our ideas below: 

Or you can stay digital.... Save the image and email it to your friends!